
Investment funds

Fundo offers pension funds access to in-house developed management techniques through a range of investment funds under Swiss or Luxembourg law. Certificates and specific projects in the field of refinancing of microcredit institutions are also available. In addition, Fundo manages tailor-made mandates for a total amount of CHF 1.5 billion in assets under management, develops advisory activities amounting to circa CHF 10 billion and carries out reporting activities on a consolidated value of more than CHF 100 billion.

The Fundo range includes two product categories. Available to qualified investors even for modest amounts, the first one focuses on an algorithmic management approach whose objective is to control portfolio risk exposure. The second, under the Finethic label, comprises several sub-funds under the the Luxembourg SICAV-SIF name. These aim to provide investors with stable performance and returns.

Table of investment funds

Date Fund Class Start ISIN Code Currency NAV Perf. YTD PDF SFDR
31.01.2025 Finethic Microfinance C1 12.10.2006 LU0262965956 USD 1,879.21 0.06%
31.01.2025 Finethic Microfinance (hedged in CHF) C3 30.04.2010 LU0504540880 CHF 1,255.92 -0.32%


The funds referred to in the Website have not been approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervision Authority (FINMA) pursuant to the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act of 23 June 2006 (CISA) and its implementing regulations. Therefore, these funds may only be distributed to qualified investors, such as defined in provision 10 § 3 of the CISA and in the Ordinance of 22 November 2006 on Collective Investment of Capital and may only be distributed in Switzerland or from Switzerland.

The information and the document relative to these funds do not constitute a public offer and can only be used by qualified investors as described above. They are strictly confidential and cannot be disseminated to any other person without Fundo’s prior consent.

Fundo SA cannot be held responsible for the non-accuracy, the non-completeness and the non-availability of the information and the document relative to the funds; it cannot be held responsible for the damages resulting from actions taken on the basis of these information and documents.

The funds described in the Website can be subject to sales restrictions in some countries. It is therefore up to each investor to check what are these restrictions and if they apply to them.

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